Starting Now is better than starting later

Recommended Mastermind Structure

Here are recommendation of mastermind structure that I have learned from my experience.

  • Maximum of 4 people in the group
  • Set weekly time for a meeting and commitment of all members to attend 80%+ of meetings
  • Excel document where people put their weekly, quarterly, and yearly goals
  • The group can consist of the same niche people, or be more genral. It is important that the group members will have similarities in two aspects : 1)Basic definition of what they do, e.g. Entrepreneurs, Service providers, Life coaches  2)Stage- e.g. 0-2k monthly reveneu, 2k-10k, 10k-100k and so on.
  • A group leader that takes care of on boarding new members, and asking the accountability questions every week (if no one else feels comfortable to do so)
  • Topics of discussion for regular meetings- Each member receives 13 minutes to speak. We first start with a weekly recap of how it went for them and also plans for the next week. They can use the time to expand on a problem they have experienced, or a dillema they have.
  • Every quarter- Hot sit meetings. Once a quarter, 4 meetings will be dedicated to 15 minutes of regular updates per member (4 minutes each) and the rest of the time a hot sit with one person talking about their quarter, and the plans for the next quarter and year.
  • Every quarter- Mastermind strategy adjustments and venting. It will start with regular updates per member (4 minutes each) and the rest of the time a discussion about how the mastermind is going, what is missing and what can be improved.
  • Have a group forum where people can discuss and ask about specific topics.

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