Author Archives: yolanda

Focus your attention on one thing

At any stage of your startup, there is one specific thing that most of your energy should go to – raising money, development, adding a feature, talking to new types of clients. Always make sure you decide on what it is, and put the majority of your time there.

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Process building saves time

If you make automatic process or outsource, you can reduce theĀ  amounts of decisions you take a day. Decrease dependancy in your stuff by automating and processing their role.  

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Does your service create internal triggers?

Many of the mass services require an internal trigger to happen in orders for users to come back to the service. What are yours ? ( example, using facebook when you remember your ex girlfriend, go to before booking a flight)

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Hire people better than you

If you do it, and keep them (if they believe in you and the business), you will be fine

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Know your product/service

You need to be the expert of your industry- find ways to love it and keep interacting there

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